Roxboro-Pierrefonds, Sunnybrooke, Bois-Franc

Route Options
Download the PDFGood to know
The MTL-REM pass provides access to STM buses and Montréal métro stations only, as well as shuttles. In other words, Montmorency, De la Concorde, Cartier and Longueuil stations are not covered by this fare.
The TRAMREM pass provides access to the entire metropolitan public transit network, including trains, buses, the métro and shuttles.
To use shuttles 404, 496, 498 and 499, you must have one of the following fares:
Bus fare
All Modes ABC fare
All Modes ABCD fare
All Modes A fare + free shuttle LAU-404 pass (encoded on the card)*
MTL-REM and TRAMREM passes
“Unlimited Evening” and “Unlimited Weekend” passes
Former monthly passes and multiple-trip tickets for the Laurentides sector or TRAM 3
∗Users who hold a monthly STM pass may visit a metropolitan ticket office to obtain a free pass (LAU-404).
∗Users who hold a monthly All Modes Zone A fare may visit a metropolitan ticket office to obtain a free pass that will allow them to use these shuttles. Please note that cash payment aboard is not authorized.
∗Shuttle 904 provides free service between Deux-Montagnes and Grand-Moulin stations. To transfer to another service to complete your trip, you must nevertheless hold a valid transit fare according to the rates in effect.
Grace period end date: As of September 17, 2022, the All Modes C fares will no longer be valid aboard exo REM shuttles 404, 496, 498 and 499.
In the event of service interruption
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REM frequently asked questions
Want more details?
Consult this section that features a list of frequently asked questions regarding shuttles and other alternative routes.