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Our netiquette in 8 points

Thursday, August 02 2018

Exo welcomes you to its official social media platforms! We are flattered to have you as a follower and encourage you to like, share and comment on our posts. Don't hesitate to share photos of our trains and buses with us: we really appreciate your photographic talents.

To guarantee constructive and respectful exchanges, exo reserves the right to moderate comments and content created or shared on its social media accounts. That's why we invite you to abide by the following rules:

1. Avoid insults

Insults, whether racist, sexist, homophobic or other, are neither tasteful nor kind. On our platforms, please respect the people you are exchanging with, including community managers. Rest assured that we take note of your comments, whether they are positive or negative, but there's a respectful way of saying things.

2. Use capitals sparingly

On the web, any text written in capital letters implies SCREAMING. Don't hesitate to use upper case to highlight a word or two, but avoid entire sentences in capital letters. It comes off as hostile and likely does not make your message any clearer.

3. Do not spread rumours or false information

Spreading rumours or false information is not allowed. We reserve the right to block any person who repeatedly shares erroneous information that can confuse other followers.

4. Do not make obscene remarks

Any unacceptable (pornographic, violent, etc.) or illegal remarks shared on our platforms will be deleted immediately and we reserve the right to ban the person who posted them. 

5. Do not punctuate your sentences with swear words

Swear words, or curses, particularly if used profusely, can be annoying and don't add anything constructive. Say them out loud to get them out of your system if you wish, but keep them out of your public messages as much as possible. A person who posts several messages on our platforms just to swear may be banned, at our discretion.

6. Treat others as you want to be treated

Don't appreciate being called all kinds of names by a stranger behind a screen? Don't do it to others. Everyone has the right to their opinion. The web is a place for respectful debates, not for personally attacking people who don't agree with you.

7. Don't forget that what you share online never disappears

Be careful about what you post on social media. Once it's out there, it never disappears! Even if you delete it, your future employer or future mother-in-law could find it. Avoid regrets by always making sure your really want to post what you're about to share.

8. Protect your personal information and that of other users

We encourage you to use caution and discretion to avoid revealing your personal information or that of others in your exchanges.

One last thing

Please know that we read all your comments and do our best to reply to as many messages and questions as possible. We sometimes have to reach out to several internal teams to obtain the factual and precise information you need, which can take a while.

By posting on exo's platforms, you're accepting that exo use your comments or publish them without requesting further authorization.

For the benefit of all, exo reserves the right to, at any time and without prior warning, delete any comment or block any user that violates our netiquette.

To ensure continuous improvement and adaptation of exo’s approaches, as well as relevance with changes in social media usage, exo reserves the right to modify its netiquette at any time without notice.


* This netiquette consists of good practices designed to encourage appropriate conduct and politeness on the web.