Due to weather conditions, delays on the network may occur. To stay informed about service status and plan your trips during winter, please check out our articles and practical tools.
This statement presents the Terms of use of this site. All users of this site are deemed to have read, accepted and acknowledged the validity of the terms set out below, and hereby agree to observe and be bound by them. The RTM may modify these terms at any time without prior notice. The date of the most recent modification of these terms appears at the foot of this document.
These terms constitute the entirety of the rights and obligations binding the RTM and all users of this site, and replace any prior terms or provisions respecting the use of this site. No verbal or written statement by an RTM employee or manager, or by any other person, shall have the effect of modifying or replacing these terms.
This site is managed and updated from a computer located in the city of Montréal, Province of Québec, Canada. Both the content and use of this site are subject to the applicable laws of Québec and of Canada. These terms, as well as any disputes or misunderstanding arising from their application, must be interpreted in accordance with these laws. Should any provision accompanying these terms be unlawful, void, or unenforceable for any reason, then said provision shall be deemed to be severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of these terms, which shall then be interpreted without reference to the expunged provision. Any recourse, action, petition or suit upon the content or use of this site, brought against the RTM, or implicating the latter, shall be brought before a court of Québec or a federal court of Canada, without regard for any potential application of conflict of laws theory.
All content on this website, whether in written, visual, binary, auditory or other form, is the property of the RTM. This content is protected by Canadian and international copyright law (notably the Copyright Act, R.S.C., ch. C-24). The RTM holds the copyright, among other things, on the selection, coordination, layout and improvement of this content. It is illegal to reproduce, modify, download, publish, copy, post, exhibit, share or otherwise distribute any portion of this content and, likewise, to exploit it, notably by contributing to its sale or transfer, or by creating works from it. However, the RTM does permit any user of this site to copy its content without specific authorization or fees, notwithstanding the prohibition relative to the use of official and other marks, on condition that:
The RTM shall grant no license other than that stated above and, moreover, retains all of its intellectual property rights over the content of this site.
The user of this site agrees that the RTM may make free use of or exploit the ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques communicated to it by electronics means, regardless of the end, and cedes to the RTM its potential rights in this regard, without the RTM being required to pay any royalty or fee of any kind, save and except for the RTM's undertaking in the matter of the protection of personal information.
The expression "RTM" and the RTM's logotype constitute official marks of a public authority as defined in subparagraph 9(1)(n)(iii) of the Trade-marks Act (R.S.C. c. T-10), and are duly registered in that capacity.
Incidentally, certain expressions, graphics, logotypes, icons, designs, words or slogans appearing on this site constitute or may constitute official marks, trademarks, service marks, merchandise marks or certification marks by virtue of the laws of Canada or any other country. They may be registered as such. The fact that such marks may appear on this site does not mean that any license has been granted or assigned.
The RTM reserves all its rights respecting any official marks, trademarks, service marks, merchandise marks or certification marks it holds or uses. It is illegal to download, copy, post, exhibit, share or otherwise distribute all such marks. The RTM shall seek all legal remedies against any person using any mark held by, or which is used by the RTM.
The RTM strives to ensure that the information available on this site is complete, accurate and current. This information comes from sources that the RTM considers reliable, and is updated regularly. It may nevertheless contain inaccuracies, omissions, typographical errors or other deficiencies.
Consequently, this website and all of its content are made available to the public "as is", without any guarantee of either an implicit or explicit nature, including, among others, implicit guarantees as to market quality, non-infringement, or suitability for specific needs or uses. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the RTM offers no guarantee regarding the availability or stability of the site content, its accessibility, or the precision, reliability or accuracy of the information offered, particularly information about schedules, RTM partners, legislation or regulations, availability of transport services described or public invitations to tender. The user is urged to note that this site is regularly subject to technical maintenance operations, which may limit or prevent its access.
The RTM may not be held liable for any damage whatsoever, direct or indirect, suffered in connection with the use of this website, including, in particular, personal prejudice, punitive, exemplary, accessory, moral or consecutive damages, loss of profit, earnings, or information, damage due to operating losses, loss or deletion of programs or data from an information system, and other expenses or damages that may result from the use or unavailability of this website, its algorithms, the incompatibility of any software downloaded or copied from it, any interruption, defect, delay in processing or transmission, or the presence of a virus, worm or Trojan horse program, or any other destructive element to a power or system outage, whether or not the RTM is informed of the possibility of such an outage, loss or expense.
Any user of this website uses it at his or her own risk and undertakes to indemnify and hold the RTM and its managers, administrators, employees, suppliers, entrepreneurs or representatives, harmless from any civil, criminal or quasi-criminal liability in connection with the use of this site, irrespective of the latter's negligence.
Unless indicated otherwise, all sums of money shown on this website are expressed in the legal tender of Canada.
The RTM does not authorize users of this website to modify, reword, adapt, change, adjust, rearrange, dismantle, outline or decode its content, except when using information customization instruments specifically made available to users by the RTM. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to post or transmit, to or through this website, any material that is unlawful or threatening, including texts, sounds or images of a defamatory, obscene, fraudulent, scandalous, seditious, pornographic or blasphemous nature, or any other material likely to constitute, foster or encourage the commission of a criminal or penal offence, give rise to a civil suit or to otherwise violate any laws in force.
This site contains hyperlinks that provide quick access to Internet sites belonging to and managed by third parties. The RTM makes these hyperlinks available to users of its own site solely for their convenience, and exercises no control of any form over the content of the sites to which these hyperlinks lead.
Furthermore, the RTM makes no assertion, issues no approval, and accepts no liability regarding the content or use of such sites. Some of these sites may place permanent or temporary cookies on their users' hard drives. Finally, it should be noted that the information presented on the linked sites might not be available in English and/or French.
This site is designed and managed entirely by the RTM. Please contact Customer Service if you encounter any technical problems or errors while browsing the site.
These Terms of use were last updated on March 15, 2002.