To get around using public transit, you must have a valid fare for the highest fare zone on your way to your destination and keep it with you for the entire trip.
Find the right fare for you!
Monthly fares
Monthly fares are valid from the first to the last day of the month. They are available from the 20th day of the current month to the 15th of the following month.
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Determine your fare zone
The metropolitan area is divided into 4 zones: A) Montreal, B) Laval and Longueuil, C and D) South and North shores municipalities. You must always choose the fare for the farthest fare zone relative to your destination.
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Choose a membership
Membership programs are both practical and advantageous. Find the one for you!
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Choose the right fare medium: OPUS or Solo card
Two card types are available for commuting in the metropolitan area. Find the one for you!
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OPUS en ligne
Reload the entire family’s OPUS card at any time! With the OPUS card reader, you always know what fares are loaded on your OPUS card… without leaving your home and avoiding waiting lines!
Find a sales outlet
There are hundreds of sales outlets throughout the metropolitan area. Find the one closest to your home.
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