4 eco-friendly shops accessible by public transit on the North Shore

4 eco-friendly shops accessible by public transit on the North Shore

Article updated on February 28, 2025

Couple returning home with shopping bags

Every January, we make resolutions to improve our lifestyle habits. Here are four shops that will make you feel glad to do your part for the planet and focus on your well-being all year round.

Encore Éco in Saint-Jérôme

Encore Éco

Credit: Encore Éco

Searching for the perfect eco-friendly gift or the latest organic products? Look no further than Encore Éco. Open since 2017, the store features products by local artisans, natural items, and even a thrift section.

To get there: 295 Rue Saint-Georges, Saint-Jérôme

La Station Vrac in Rosemère

Shelves filled with bulk commodities

Credit: La Station Vrac

This friendly and inviting shop has a wide selection of bulk products, allowing you to eat a healthy diet while reducing your ecological footprint by avoiding unnecessary packaging. You’ll find dry goods, household items, and even skincare products, all carefully selected for their quality and sustainable origin.

To get there: 309 Chemin Grande-Côte, Rosemère

La Brise Verte in Boisbriand

La Brise Verte boasts an array of organic foods, personal care products, and household goods, all from responsible and ethical sources. In addition to the shop, La Brise Verte regularly organizes workshops, conferences and events to educate the public about environmental issues and the benefits of conscious consumption.

To get there: 4058 Rue Alfred Laliberté, Boisbriand

Eco-Boutique Un Monde à Vie in Mascouche

Un Monde à Vie is dedicated to promoting a sustainable and responsible lifestyle. It sells a variety of eco-friendly products, from everyday consumer goods to personal care items, all carefully selected to minimize environmental impact.

To get there: 160 Montée Masson, Mascouche

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date: 2025-02-27 7:00:00 PM