The best poutines near Montréal | Exo

4 poutines to savour on the network

Article updated on July 3, 2024

Woman holding a poutine

Everyone loves poutine. Whether classic or with a twist, at a neighbourhood diner or stylish gastropub, poutine is a Québec essential. Here are 4 poutine spots that are favourites of exo employees.

Chez Monique in La Prairie

Snack bar façade

Chez Monique is a veritable institution. The restaurant has recently gotten a makeover and the seasonal snack bar is now open year-round. But the poutine hasn’t changed in 75 years!

475 Boul. Taschereau,
La Prairie


Shack Attakk in Mont-Saint-Hilaire

Sweet potato poutine at Shack Attakk

The perfect place to both admire a stunning view of the mountain and tuck into their Surfer, Malibu (with vegan option) or Montauk poutine. The Californian-style decor is colourful, and the staff is friendly and welcoming. It’s like being on vacation!

535 Boul. Sir-Wilfred-Laurier,


Patate et Persil in Vaudreuil-Dorion

The patio at Patate et Persil

Mexican poutine with sour cream and cilantro, veggie poutine with sweet potatoes, Portuguese poutine with chicken drumsticks… Enjoy any of these delights in the dining room of a former home that’s been converted into a restaurant, or on the terrace shaded by beautiful patio umbrellas with a magnificent view of the water. A charming spot to enjoy a peaceful escape.

9 Ave. Saint-Charles


Juste des Poutines in Repentigny

As the name suggests, this 100% poutine restaurant boasts nearly 20 different varieties. La Bidou, with ketchup and pogo slices, L’Effilochée, with pulled pork, La Tranchée mince, with smoked meat, and more. With so many great options, you’ll have a hard time choosing! If you’re looking for something different, you’re sure to be satisfied!

131 Rue Louvain


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date: 2024-07-10 8:00:00 PM