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Clarifications about a project concerning two train stations on Île Perrot

jeudi, 01 avril 2021

Montréal, April 1, 2021 – Exo wishes to clarify some information that has circulated about its train stations on Île Perrot.

It is true that exo is currently studying the possibility of constructing a new station between the two infrastructures present in the municipalities concerned. This stems from an analysis of various scenarios aimed at improving safety at Île Perrot stations, which is currently being discussed with our municipal and local partners. No final decision has yet been made.

Exo is looking to address the safety issue of the 4-track crossing to make it easier for its clients to access the train station. The goal is to find solutions to end dangerous behaviour observed on the ground.

The project also aims to improve infrastructure and customer experience, as well as to review mobility needs in the area.

It is important to mention that we are presently at the first stage of the project. The focus is on exploring, analyzing and comparing different scenarios based on the needs in order to determine which one would be optimal. Among the scenarios that were studied, that of the development of a new station between the two current infrastructures was recommended.

This study was conducted in partnership with the municipalities located on Île Perrot. We have presented our recommendation and wish to validate their support for the proposed scenario.

Upon approval from the different local partners, exo will submit the selected project to the public through a consultation process that will be determined later. The final scenario has not been selected so far.

About exo

Since June 1, 2017, exo has been operating public bus and paratransit services in the northern and southern suburbs, as well as the train network in the Montreal metropolitan area. The second largest public transit operator in Greater Montreal, its network includes 5 train lines, 242 bus lines and 61 taxibus lines.



Informations aux médias :

Catherine Maurice

Media Relations

Tel: 514 287-2464 ext. 4057


Informations aux médias :

Eric Edström

Relations médias exo

Tél. : 514 287-2464, poste 4057