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Status, mandates and territory

Exo combines all of the train, bus and adapted transport services around the greater Montreal area, and more specifically the North and South.

We changed our name, but our mission remains the same: to be an efficient and friendly transit service.

Exo is here, welcome aboard!


Our status

Exo is a public transit authority in operation since June 1st, 2017. It oversees commuter rail services as well as the north and south shores’ bus and paratransit services, taking over for the Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT), as well as the north and south shores’ transit agencies.

Refer to the Act to modify mainly the organization and governance of shared transportation in the Montréal metropolitan area available on the National Assembly of Quebec website (French).


Our role

Exo is responsible for operating, throughout its territory, regular bus and commuter train services, including paratransit services for disabled and mobility-impaired persons.


Our primary mandates

  • Operate the commuter rail network
  • Operate the metropolitan bus network (north and south shores)
  • Operate paratransit services
  • Establish a public transit service plan for its territory
  • Build and maintain the infrastructure and equipment under its responsibility
  • Advise the Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain (ARTM) on introducing codes of conduct for occupants of its vehicles, stations, platforms and parking lots
  • Participating in public transit planning, development, support and promotion at the ARTM’s request


Our territory

Exo's territory comprises those of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (82 municipalities), the Kahnawake Territory, and the Ville de Saint-Jérôme. This territory is shared with the ARTM.