Exo, ready for the next 5 years!

Monday, September 25 2023

Exo, ready for the next 5 years!

More than 5 years have gone by since exo was created, and our organization already shows an enviable track record, a unique business model and a growth strategy in constant evolution to meet the needs of municipalities, users and all our business partners.

Covering a lot of ground

Cover 4,000 square kilometers of territory and offer 85,000 trips daily? That’s the challenge we manage to take up daily by capitalizing on complementary transit modes and managing our operations tightly.

When you think about exo, you think trains and buses, but our services go way beyond that. They include a paratransit network covering our entire territory, taxibuses and shared taxis, on-demand transit and, more recently, a shared bike system.

A necessary reconfiguration

Since 2019, exo has been working on an important reconfiguration of its bus network with an eye to make transiting easier along the east-west axis.

Population numbers keep growing on the North and South shores of Greater Montreal, and needs are therefore huge. The reconfiguration of our network gives us a historical opportunity to answer the needs of the communities we serve more adequately.

This redesign goes on sector by sector, attuned to the development of the REM antennas, all the while including in the process citizens, users, municipalities, associations and businesses through public consultations.

Communities at the heart of innovation

Exo’s future is full of important projects.

Over the last few years, exo has created two on-demand transit services. These pilot projects allow clients to book a trip via a mobile app. Thanks to them, users can enjoy an increased frequency and shorter transit times. This innovative local transit offer allowed us to reach an entirely new clientele.

At the same time, we are starting an important transition toward electrifying our bus fleet. This exobus project extends over the next 10 years or so, and will no doubt bring about an evolution of both our business model and organization.

Exo with you for the last 5 years, and for many more to come.