Sainte-Julie sector


In the Sainte-Julie sector, exo provides public transit service by bus in the Ville de Sainte-Julie territory.



Free local transportation in Sainte-Julie

All local trips within Ville de Sainte-Julie are free for all users. However, passengers must pay for Express Lines 600, 325, 330, 340 and 350 according to the fare schedule in force.

Paratransit services within Sainte-Julie are free for Sainte-Julie residents (in effect from January 3 to December 31, 2025).



Taxibuses complement our bus service and are generally available upon reservation. This service operates in sectors and at times when ridership is lower.

Go to the taxibus reservation page

Saint-Hyacinthe ACCÈS line

Exo is proud to offer the ACCÈS line to students and citizens in the Vallée-du-Richelieu and Ville de Sainte-Julie sectors.

Available Monday to Friday, the ACCÈS line offers several morning rush hour and afternoon rush hour and noon departures, aligned with the schedules of the Centre de Formation Professionnelle des Patriotes in Sainte-Julie and the Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe.

Equipped with a “carte écolo” (provided by Cégep Saint-Hyacinthe), students can ride free from their residence to the Sainte-Julie terminal to board the ACCÈS line.

Workers or anyone wishing to get to Saint-Hyacinthe by public transit can take advantage of the ACCÈS line at stops along the route, available on request only in the Saint-Hyacinthe and Sainte-Julie industrial sectors. They must hold an RTM VR sector transit pass. Users who wish to pay cash to board are asked to have exact change. No change is given to users.

Departures and arrivals of the ACCÈS line take place at the Sainte-Julie terminal.

Lines 30 (ACCÈS line) and T-30 are operated by the RTM Vallée-du-Richelieu sector. For more information about these two lines, contact us.

See the ACCÈS line schedule.

See the fares.


Consult our Paratransit page:

  • To learn about eligibility criteria

  • To make a reservation for transportation

  • To join us

  • To read our pamphlet and/or user guide (French only).

Served Territories

Transportation is available in the following territories:

  • Calixa-Lavallée

  • Contrecoeur

  • Saint-Amable

  • Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu

  • Sainte-Julie

  • Varennes

  • Verchères

The Paratransit service is also available outside the North and South Shores. Please note that, according to destination, transportation can either be direct or may necessitate correspondence with local transporters, and that rates may vary as well. For more information on schedules and zones, contact us.

Consult Fares and Rates

Désolé, cette page n’est pas accessible aux lecteurs d’écran ou à tout autre dispositif d’assistance. En effet, elle contient une carte géographique présentant l’emplacement des terminus et installation intermodales.