exo on-demand
exo on-demand is a local public transit service that’s easy to use, flexible and efficient. Shared with other users, it allows you to simply book your trip when you need it.
Discover exo on-demand in your municipality
Reservation app
Reservation app
exo on-demand
Mont-Saint-Hilaire - Otterburn Park
Reservation app
exo on-demand
Beloeil and McMasterville
Reservation app
What is on-demand transit?
Proximity On-demand transit provides better coverage of your area, with stops close to your location.
Efficiency Reducing wait and travel times provides a faster commute.
Flexibility Reserve your trip when you want it! The schedule and travel time will depend on other users who book a trip in the same direction.
Simplicity Booking a trip is super easy! It takes just a few clicks and fares are the same as regular public transit.
Need help?
- Monday to Friday, from 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
- Saturday, Sunday and holidays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Call us
Plan a trip
Ride with us, wherever you’re going
Planning your trips is easy! All the exo train and bus schedules are available online.
See the schedules