The days of driving in circles to find a space near a train platform or métro station are over. Reserve your parking space thanks to a pilot project led by the ARTM, exo and Société Parc Auto du Québec (SPAQ).
The guaranteed parking project at a glance
Sainte-Thérèse station
Terrebonne bus terminal
Frequently asked question about our park-and-ride lots
10 to 20% of available parking spaces can be reserved in each of the target lots (Sainte-Thérèse, Roxboro-Pierrefonds and Deux-Montagnes train stations as well as Terrebonne and Cartier bus terminals).
Only monthly subscriptions are available at the Sainte-Thérèse station parking lot and the Terrebonne terminus. Please note that quantities are limited and the number of guaranteed spaces is subject to change without notice.
A guide explaining the steps to subscribe is available. Click here to view the guide in PDF version (in French).
This project was developed to promote intermodality, meaning we want to encourage our customers to get to our sites using active (bike, walking) or public (bus, carpooling) transportation.
exo is not responsible for these parking lots. While they are paid lots, they are not part of this pilot project.
For more information about these parking lots and prices:
Angrignon (city): 514-868-3737
Longueuil (city): 450-463-7100, ext. 2180
Montmorency (SPAQ): 514-288-6525
Roxboro-Pierrefonds station: 514-405-5657
Deux-Montagnes station (SPAQ) : 1-877-327-7727
Cartier bus terminal: 514-405-5657