Due to weather conditions, delays on the network may occur. To stay informed about service status and plan your trips during winter, please check out our articles and practical tools.
Can't find your question listed below? Don't hesitate to contact our Customer Service at 514 287-8726 or fill out the contact form.
An OPUS card is a smart card on which you can load the transit fares you need. It is ideal for users who frequently take public transit. To find out more, click here.
The Solo card is perfect for occasional users. It is available for TRAM and TRAIN fares and is valid for 1 or 6 trips. It is available in certain fare vending machines and is not reloadable. For more details, click here.
It's reloadable: it can be loaded with several fares at once, according to your needs. Register your card for free and take advantage of the guaranteed replacement of your card in the event of loss, theft or damage. See all the details on this page.
OPUS cards are sold at a cost of $6 in several sales outlets, in metropolitan ticket offices and in the fare vending machines found in Central Station, in the Lucien-L’Allier train station, in the terminus Centre-ville, as well as in the Longueuil, Cartier and Montmorency terminals. For more details, click here.
An OPUS card with photo is mandatory to benefit from preferential fares (reduced or student). This card is strictly personal and non-transferable. You can buy an OPUS card with photo at one of our metropolitan ticket offices. Your picture will be taken on-site. To see whether you are eligible for a reduced fare, visit this page.
The OPUS card has a useful life of 4 years. After that, it no longer works, even if there are still fares loaded on it. Take advantage of the replacement of your OPUS card before it expires and retrieve the valid fares loaded on it by heading to one of our metropolitan ticket offices. Your valid fares will be transferred on a new card. While you're there, take the opportunity to register your card!
If you have already bought a new OPUS card, you can be compensated for the $6 cost of the new card. Certain conditions apply. To find out more, click here. To know the expiration date of your OPUS card, visit carteopus.info.
The OPUS card with photo must be renewed every year for students, and every seven years for seniors.
If you have registered your card or if you have an OPUS card with photo, head to a metropolitan ticket office or your sector's service centre with a valid photo ID. Your unexpired fares will be transferred onto a new card and you will only have to pay the price of the OPUS card ($6) or the price of the OPUS card with photo ($15). However, if your card is not registered, you unfortunately have no recourse. You must buy a new card. Take this opportunity to register your card now!
Children aged 0 to 5 ride the train for free. Children aged 6 to 11 who travel alone must have a valid transit ticket or pass, but they travel for free if they are accompanied by an adult with a valid transit ticket or pass (up to 5 children per adult).
For commuter trains, young people aged 6 to 17 as well as persons aged 65 and over are eligible for a reduced fare. The student fare is addressed to full-time students aged 18 and over. To benefit from a preferred rate, the user must possess an OPUS card with photo. See all the details here.
If your old OPUS card is expired and you have already bought a new card, visit the Postal processing of expired OPUS card page to find out how to be compensated for the $6 fees and retrieve your unexpired fares.