Be safe around public transit

The 12 golden rules for riding public transit

Cell phones, headphones and rushing to catch a train reduce awareness. Unfortunately, many users engage in unsafe behaviour without even being aware of it. Despite our education efforts and the presence of safety patrols, these dangerous behaviours persist. Please read these basic safety rules and do your part for everyone’s safety!

open eye

Always pay attention

Approaching trains are pretty quiet and can come from both directions, and buses can come from many different directions. Be sure to stop, look and listen when approaching a bus loop.

vibrating phone, and headphones

Wait until you board to distract yourself

We strongly suggest you wait until you are on the train or bus to put on headphones or use your phone.

level crossing

Observe level and pedestrian crossings

Always stop at level crossings and obey all signs.

pedestrian crossing

Cross only at the designated areas

There are signs indicating pedestrian crossings—use them!

walking on the railway illegal

Do not walk on the tracks

Entering a railway right-of-way is not only illegal and subject to a fine, but it is also dangerous.

running for the bus illegal

Never run after a bus

There will always be another one—your safety is more important than the time you might save.

crossing the yellow line illegal

Keep a safe distance from the yellow safety line

Cross over it only to board the train once it has come to a complete stop.

Stay out of bus loops

These spaces are reserved for buses and it’s dangerous for pedestrians to enter them. For your safety, stay on pedestrian walkways.

Illustration of a train car with several people in front of one door and only one person in front of the second door.

Spread out

For your safety, spread out on the platforms.

crossing in front of a bus illegal

Do not cross in front of a bus

Be sure to make eye contact with the driver; otherwise, wait until the bus has pulled away.

judge's hammer

Obey the signs

In the railway right-of-way or the area reserved for buses, failure to do so is a violation of the regulations and could be subject to a fine.


Be extra careful in winter

Getting around can be hazardous due to weather conditions (snow, freezing rain, etc.).

You can count on exo inspectors

The safety team travels the network, providing 24/7 monitoring

You wish to find out more about the professionals who ensure your safety?

Find out more about our inspectors